Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Contact Us

mediart1 is a blog I created to share with everyone about the world of computerized
consists of a variety of tips and tricks.

problems such as note book
printer problems
problems of the LCD / monitor
UPS problem
software or hardware problems.

from identification to repairing the damage, rapidly and reliably.

I also provide the opportunity for visitors to direct discussions about
damage damage to the problems associated with the above through my contacts, and continues to serve free-line calls
repair at your place,

through the following phone numbers

or in the workplace
BJC comp Jl. Banjar No. 18 - Balikpapan - Kaltim.

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About me

an essay of his own experience in the overseas long
written with a high consistency,

I was born in Indonesia precisely the southern part of East Java

Trenggalek town
Durenan district
Kamulan village

I now reside in the city borneo
Balikpapan - East Kalimantan

foreign country first goal which was so long, I worked as a computer technician at a
small company but high quality computing service,

at BJC comp (computers jaya banjar)

Here I fix laptops, printers, monitors, UPS, and others.

Aris my nickname, but sometimes used on the call kawok.

My motto is life is a struggle, had to quality life, and life must have a purpose, goals must be to quality and feasible for the fight.
hello all and succeed.
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Monday, May 10, 2010

Printer error code Canon MP145, MP150, MP160.

For all guys who want to know the error code canon MP145, MP150, and MP160, the following error code is shown with seven segment LED light in the printer.

Error code Canon MP145, MP150, MP160:
E2-2 = no paper or priter could not pull the paper (could be due to gross roll)
E3-3 = Paper hours
E4 = No ink / cartridge
E5-5 = ink cartridges is not installed or installed wrong cartirdge (not compatibel)
E8 = absorber full, or Platen waste ink absorber full reset MitaE9 = connection to a digital camera / video camera does not support
E14 = Ink Cartridges Whose are wrong destination
E15 = catridge color has run out
E16 - black catridge has run out
E17-E19 = problem on scan head alignment sheet
E22 = Carriage error
E23 = Paper feed error
E24 = Purge unit error (the cleaning head)
E25 = ASF (cam) sensor error
E26 = Internal temperature rise error
E27 = Platen ink absorber full waste ink absorber or full-> reset by such tools
E28 = Ink cartridge temperature rise error -
E29 = EEPROM error
E33 = Paper feed position error
E35 15 = USB Host VBUD overcurrent error - USB
E37 17 = Abnormal motor driver
E40 20 = Other hardware error
E42 22 = Scanner error
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How to Self Test HP Printer 3325, 3535, 3744, 3920, 3940, 2466

If you often get service printer and your print is often difficult to test because they have to put all the drivers on your computer, you may need to try this trick.

Here is how to print the test directly from the printer without a computer.

How to test print directly from your HP printer 3325, 3535, 3744, 3920, 3940, 2466:

1. Turn on the printer.
2. Press the power button and do not stand in the release. (If released to die ...)
3. Then unscrew the cover of the printer (the printer lid) 3x-4x (three-four times the opening and closing), not to less, and the last condition to close, then the new power button is released.
and your HP printer will start to run a test print.
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